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What are we doing here?

Question: Shri Mother, What are we doing here? What is the purpose of life on Earth? What are human beings walking around on this planet for?

Shri Mataji: You are specially made by God. You are specially chosen by God to be human beings and you are here with a very great purpose. The first purpose of God is that you should become the vehicle of God's powers, completely. So that He flows through you, He flows into this atmosphere, into this universe, to make it a divine place. When you get Realization, what happens? These all your abnormalities drop out and you become very normal person and these vibrations of Cool Breeze start flowing. With this now you can give it to Mother Earth, you can give it to the plants, you can give it to the trees. The whole thing becomes a Garden of Allah where you reside in complete joy and happiness.

The second purpose is that God has prepared you now to settle into His Kingdom. That is your throne. That ís your right to be there. It could have been short circuited at a time when Adam and Eve were called and told not to go into this so-called 'book of knowledge' or the 'fruit of knowledge' But they didn’t listen, you see. If you give freedom to someone then, “What ís wrong?” So, they started doing things which were brought to them by a satanic force and they accepted it. So, that was the original sin we have committed. So, they had to take incarnations, do all those things and now brought it to this level where human beings have to be brought again back to the position where they were to go.

(extract from Radio Interview, Santa Cruz, USA, 1983)


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