ACASY Austrian Council for Advancement of Sahaja Yoga (Verein zur Unterstützung von Sahaja Yoga)
ACC Asian Council of Countries
ACSY Australian Council for Sahaja Yoga
BHF Burning Hearts Forum (Austria)
BISSA Bocconi International Sahaj Students Association (Bocconi University in Milan, Italy)(defunct)
BISSA Bocconi International Sahaj Students Association (Bocconi University in Milan, Italy)(defunct)
CCSG Centenary Celebrations Steering Group
CCT Comprehensive Compilations Team (US-based archiving team)
CEL Center for Evolutionary Learning
CISS Cabella International Sahaja School
CJ Canajoharie (USA)
CNC Canadian National Council
CNIASY Italian National Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga
CEL Center for Evolutionary Learning
CISS Cabella International Sahaja School
CJ Canajoharie (USA)
CNC Canadian National Council
CNIASY Italian National Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga
CVSS Cadell Valley Sahaja School (Australia)
DCB Divine Cool Breeze (magazine/website/books)
ELR Eternal Life Records (UK record label)
ETW Enlighten the World (yuva project 2017)
IIHF Immaculate Ideal Human Foundation (Noida, Delhi, India)
IMC International Marriage Committee
IMC-C International Marriage Committee - Ceremony
IP Inner Peace (global project 2016)
DCB Divine Cool Breeze (magazine/website/books)
ELR Eternal Life Records (UK record label)
ETW Enlighten the World (yuva project 2017)
IIHF Immaculate Ideal Human Foundation (Noida, Delhi, India)
IMC International Marriage Committee
IMC-C International Marriage Committee - Ceremony
IP Inner Peace (global project 2016)
IP Intellectual property see Nirmala Intellectual Property Corporation
IPUK Inner Peace UK (defunct website)
IPCASY International Publiс Committee for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga (2011)
IPO Inspired Peoples Orchestra? (UK-based music compilation CDs)
ISA Team International Sahaj Architects (World Foundation)
ISGI International Support Group for Iran
ISPS International Sahaja Public School (Dharamshala, India)
ISYRHC International Sahaja Yoga Research and Health Centre (Mumbai, India)
JSM Jai Shri Mataji [also JSMJi and its variant JSMg]
JSMND Jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
KOR Knowledge of Reality (magazine)
IPUK Inner Peace UK (defunct website)
IPCASY International Publiс Committee for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga (2011)
IPO Inspired Peoples Orchestra? (UK-based music compilation CDs)
ISA Team International Sahaj Architects (World Foundation)
ISGI International Support Group for Iran
ISPS International Sahaja Public School (Dharamshala, India)
ISYRHC International Sahaja Yoga Research and Health Centre (Mumbai, India)
JSM Jai Shri Mataji [also JSMJi and its variant JSMg]
JSMND Jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
KOR Knowledge of Reality (magazine)
LEE Life Eternal Education (Australia) (dormant)
LEPA Life Eternal Properties Australia (private company owned by LETA)
LET Life Eternal Trust (website for LETs in India)
LETA Life Eternal Trust Australia (external) news (for SYs)
LEPA Life Eternal Properties Australia (private company owned by LETA)
LET Life Eternal Trust (website for LETs in India)
LETA Life Eternal Trust Australia (external) news (for SYs)
LETC Life Eternal Trust Canberra (Australia)
LET Delhi Life Eternal Trust Delhi
LETWA Life Eternal Trust Western Australia
LOC Local Ontario Council (Canada)
MAT Meditate Australia Tour (2019)
MOJ Music of Joy (Australia)
LOC Local Ontario Council (Canada)
MAT Meditate Australia Tour (2019)
MOJ Music of Joy (Australia)
MSSY Association Méditation Sahaj – Sahaja Yoga (France)
MUST Meditation Up to Salvation Team (Israel Realisation Tour 2015)
NAA Nirmal Arts Academy
NDSY Trust HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Trust (Indian National Trust)
NIPC Nirmala Intellectual Property Corporation
NITL Nirmal Transformation Pvt Ltd (India)(defunct) archived website
MUST Meditation Up to Salvation Team (Israel Realisation Tour 2015)
NAA Nirmal Arts Academy
NDSY Trust HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Trust (Indian National Trust)
NIPC Nirmala Intellectual Property Corporation
NITL Nirmal Transformation Pvt Ltd (India)(defunct) archived website
NPYS Nirmal Prem Yuva Shakti (fb group)
NSE Nirmala Sarva Education (Australia)
NSYS Nirmal Shakti Yuva Sangha (Yuva Shakti)
NSYT National Sahaja Yoga Trust (India)
PPVNDM Persatuan Penganut Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Malaysia
PKS Academy Shri P.K.Salve Kala Pratishthan
SAGE Sahaja Australia Group Email
SANCASY South African National Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga
SITA Sahaja Yoga Internet Team Administration (India) (defunct)
NSE Nirmala Sarva Education (Australia)
NSYS Nirmal Shakti Yuva Sangha (Yuva Shakti)
NSYT National Sahaja Yoga Trust (India)
PPVNDM Persatuan Penganut Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Malaysia
PKS Academy Shri P.K.Salve Kala Pratishthan
SAGE Sahaja Australia Group Email
SANCASY South African National Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga
SITA Sahaja Yoga Internet Team Administration (India) (defunct)
SMT Selection Management Team (Australia - LETA)
SMNDSYF Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Foundation (renamed NIPC in 2006)
SMNDSYWF Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation
SMNDU(ni) Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi University
SMNDSYWF Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation
SMNDU(ni) Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi University
SPIN Society for the Protection of Innocence
SWAN Sahaja Worldwide Announcements and News (defunct)
SY Sahaja Yoga
SYCCI Sahaja Yoga Central Committee of India
SYM Sahaja Yoga Meditation
SY Sahaja Yoga
SYCCI Sahaja Yoga Central Committee of India
SYM Sahaja Yoga Meditation
SYNSW(Council) Sahaja Yoga New South Wales (Australia)
SYNZ (Council) Sahaja Yoga New Zealand
SYOL Sahaja Yoga Online (web portal)
TEV Theatre of Eternal Values
UKCASY United Kingdom Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga history
TEV Theatre of Eternal Values
UKCASY United Kingdom Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga history
VND Vishwa Nirmala Dharma (USA)
VND Australia Vishwa Nirmala Dharma (Australia) (new organisational structure)
VND France Vishwa Nirmala Dharma France (youtube channel) website
VNDA Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Association (Italy)
VNDES Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Educational Society (Canada)
VNDIT Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Italy
WCASY World Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga (defunct)
WCC World Centre Committee [of the World Foundation]
WRW World Realisation Week
YS Yuva Shakti
YSF Youth Society for Films (1961)
YSM Spanish equivalent of JSM (Jai Shri Mataji)
compiled by John Noyce
updated 9/02/2025
VNDES Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Educational Society (Canada)
VNDIT Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Italy
WCASY World Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga (defunct)
WCC World Centre Committee [of the World Foundation]
WRW World Realisation Week
YS Yuva Shakti
YSF Youth Society for Films (1961)
YSM Spanish equivalent of JSM (Jai Shri Mataji)
compiled by John Noyce
updated 9/02/2025