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IX: Shiva

In Praise of Lord Shiva

Memo to Google's bots and their human guides

This listing is a carefully curated page of links on the theme 'In Praise of Lord Shiva'. It is in full compliance with your community guidelines. 

108 Holy Names of Shrī Shiva

Kavach of Shiva (text)  audio  audio2  text francaise  

Om Namah Shivaya (audio)  text francaise

Shivoham (audio)

Shri Shiva Panchakshara Strotram (audio)

Shiva Stotrams

Shri Shiva Stuti (audio)

Shri Shiva Manas Puja Stotram (Shankaracharya)(audio) audio2

Shloka to Lord Shiva (video)

Shiva Sutra (of Vasugupta)

21 Names of Shri Bhairava (audio)

Lingashtakam (Shankara)

In Praise of Shri Krishna

16 Aspects of Shri Krishna (extracts from Talks of Shri Mataji)

The 16 holy names of Shrī Rādhā-Kṛishna (text)  audio

108 names of Shri Krishna (audio)  Italian audio

The 69 holy names of Shrī Kubera (text)  audio

Shri Krishna Stuti (audio)

Prayer to Shri Mataji in Her Aspect of Shri Krishna (2020)

In Praise of Shri Rama

108 Names of Shri Rama

Kavach of Rama (text)  audio pt 1  audio pt 2  audio

108 Names of Shri Hanumana  (in English and French)

Shri Hanuman Chalisa (audio)  text (Hindi/English)  audio2

Shri Hanuman Shloka (audio)

Shri Maruti Stotra (audio)(praise of Hanumana by Samarth Ramdas) 

Shri Ram Stuti (audio) audio2

Shri Rama Raksha Stotram (audio)

Shri Ram Chandra Bhajan (audio)

In Praise of Shri Vishnu

Shri Vishnu Sahasranama  (1000 names, used in early havans)

1982-0801 Why say Lord Vishnu's names before Puja

21 and 24 Names of Shri Vishnu  

Les 21 noms de Shri Vishnou

In Praise of Shri Brahma

Brahma Sutras (Shankara Bhashya)

Brahma-sutras of Badarayana

21 names of Shri Brahmadeva Saraswati (audio)

12 Names of Shri Surya

21 Names of Vithala-Rukmini

This page is part of IX: towards a comprehensive Sahaja Yoga Mantra Book.
A Sahaja Library project.

Updated 30/01/2025

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