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The other day I was talking about love. Now the love, as it is understood, is in your heart as this; but do you know the ocean of love is your Sahastrara? When your Sahastrara is filled with love, then the life is changed. You don't become a very intelligent man, a very dynamic personality, but you are nothing but love, and this love is so self-satisfying. You are not bothered if others don't love you or they love you. You don't see to that part. What you see is the enjoyment from that love. It's a tremendous ocean of love. You all have got it. And once you have entered into Sahaja Yoga, you know that you have entered into Sahastrara. And Sahastrara is the - I tell you - the source of all the truth. Truth is there - the complete truth. Truth is the knowledge and also the truth is love.

If you love somebody, you know the truths about that person. You find out whether the person is good or bad or anything. It's very difficult. But if you love that person, then immediately you know what's wrong with that person, what's right from that person. But because of your love, you encompass the whole atmosphere between you and him or between you and others. You don't see the bad points easily - very difficult. ...

So residing in the Sahastrara, if you see the waves of love flowing, maybe some people might take advantage of it, doesn't matter, makes no difference. Some people can also mislead you, it's all right, all kinds of things they do, but, when there is love, you see, you are satisfied, you are not bothered, because you love everyone. ...

Anybody who has innocence would know the technique of love. If you are very clever, intelligent, you can answer back, you can correct people, do that. No. That's not the way. If you have love, you can correct people without saying anything to them, because love is a supreme intelligence. It gives you all the correct method. It works out that. The whole thing works out that, and then people say, 'Mother, it's a miracle how it has happened.' No, no, it's no miracle, is simple thing, that love has acted in its own way. Love is not a dead thing. It's not a dead sea. It not only thinks, but it acts and acts so beautifully. Sometimes I'm amazed at its working. We call it a miracle, this, that. Nothing - it's love. ...

Love should be just open. Then you will see where do you stand as far as your country's concerned, as far as your relationships are concerned. You will know everything. You need not harm, you need not say anything, you need not quarrel, fight, but you will know - because love gives you knowledge, complete knowledge about the person. You know the person, what he's up to, what he's doing, but you don't mind because you love that person. So you don't mind. 'All right, go ahead.' It's like a little child. It's going on the wrong way. Let it go.

Now with all these things, whatever you wear, you are very lucky people who have reached Sahastrara and that you all know everything about Sahaja Yoga. But without practicing Sahaja Yoga, you cannot work it out because then, by practicing it, you'll know about your Self. When you meditate you'll know your Self, and then you get just filled with love. But now, while sitting, you just start thinking, 'He's a very bad man. I hate him,' this thing. All such stupid ideas come into your head - or 'I must buy this ornament' or 'I must buy this particular car' and all that, then you are not loving. But if you love, then what happens is that whatever you need, you get. Whatever you want, you get.

You have to first love yourself, but that love should be pure love. As a result of that, you'll cleanse yourself. Sometimes you are so much identified with your temperaments, with your nature, with you personality, whatever it is, but then you realize, in that love, that 'This is not love. This is blind.'

Love gives you a complete idea about yourself. 'What am I? What problems I have? Why do I create problems? Why do I get into problems?' You'll be amazed that love has such a powerful light in it, that it is the truth and it is the knowledge. ...

And this love is universal. It has nothing to do with any particular type or particular style. It's universal. That is why Sahaja Yoga is universal. It is spreading everywhere. I want you to enjoy that love. ...

So I would request you to find out that ocean in your head at the Sahastrara, which is being filled by your heart. Do you know Heart and Sahastrara are very much in relationship with each other? Their style is such that if somebody's head is not all right, the heart won't be all right. If the heart is not all right, his head won't be all right. But is more reflection from the head to the heart.

They say that there's genes are bad or this - nothing of the kind. After Sahaja Yoga, your genes are changed, you are changed; everything is changed now. So your brain is filled with nothing but light. Your heart is filled with light and you are just bouncing with love, all the time with humor, with loving care. Every day, I mean, it's so different. But that you have achieved now, now you have got it. So just enjoy that. ...

I don't know what else to say. I mean, it is something I would like you to do, for you to get it, this kind of life where you just flow with your love.

May God bless you very well.

H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Birthday Felicitations, Delhi, 23/3/2002


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