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"What's wrong?"

"I would like to tell that the danger is not from outside for America, not from anywhere else. It is from within themselves. So be careful. We have to be careful about ourselves - the way we are destroying. When we say, “What’s wrong?” we go head long into our destructions. Human beings should not take freedom as abandonment, but freedom to enjoy completely and fully. The freedom that takes you to a destruction is not freedom. The right idea of freedom must be taken. And, people should know that freedom, ultimate freedom, is when you become your own master, when there are no habits, when you cannot be dominated by anything. You are above everything. That’s the freedom you have to achieve, and that is why people talked long time back in this country about freedom. They helped all the countries to get their freedom, and now it is their job to get them their own freedom within themselves so that others will also follow."
(H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Radio Interview, Santa Cruz, USA, 1983)

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