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Realised souls

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi: You have some tennis players who are realized souls also, perhaps you…

Interviewer: Tennis players?

Shri Mataji: Yah! [John] McEnroe is a realised soul and [Bjorn] Borg is also. And, my grandchild told me, “You know, why Borg has retired? Because another Sahaja Yogi has come now, the younger one, so give chance to him and that’s why he is very honorably retired.” [laughter]

Is because when McEnroe speaks, you must have seen, he tells himself “John, now behave yourself.”

They are in the third person. And, that’s why people don’t understand him and he doesn’t like to be insulted. And, that’s very true. Anybody who is a saint doesn’t like him to be insulted. So, like that you have so many people who are realised souls.

(Radio Interview, Santa Cruz, October 1983)

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