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Neem - II

In 1981, on the India tour in Maharashtra, we went to a temple where Shri Rama had worshipped. It was a Shivalinga, very old and underground. Shri Mataji sat outside afterwards and had tea and started to tell us about the neem tree that was shading us. She was sitting under the neem tree laughing and laughing, breaking branches off and giving them to us to chew.
‘This is how the Indians clean their teeth. They never have tooth problems because they just chew on the branches of the neem tree,’ Shri Mataji said.
Mr Dhumal handed the branches out to us.
‘Chew on it. It’s really sweet,’ he said, and Mother was laughing. He was tricking us because it’s really bitter! (KM)

Shri Mataji's comments on Neem in 1988

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