"Confucius has taught the humanity how we can improve our relations with other human beings. But Lao Tse in China has very beautifully described Tao, meaning the Kundalini. And I have had a voyage through the Yangtze River through which Lao Tse had gone many times. I know he was trying to show that this river which is the Kundalini, is flowing towards the sea and one should not be tempted by the nature that is around. The nature around the Yangtze River is very, very beautiful, no doubt, but one has to go through the river. Also there are lots of currents which flow and can be quite dangerous and we need a good navigator who should take his ship across to the point where it is nearer the sea. At that stage it becomes very silent and extremely simple in its flow.
This country [China] has been endowed with great philosophers, I would say the greatest was Lao Tse, because humanism was for the preparation of human beings for their ascent about which Lao Tse had spoken. But because of the subtle subject it was not described in such a clear-cut manner as I am talking to you. It is such a pleasure for me to talk to this august gathering here. After traveling all over the world, I realise that China is one of the best countries as far as spirituality is concerned."
(H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Talk to the Inter-regional Round Table Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 13/9/95)
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